
A tart a day

Red onion and goats cheese tart

I can't get over the butteryness of this pastry. Dream material, you can see the translucent layers when it's hot out of the oven, the trick is to totalz enjoy the time consumming integration of the butter and the flour. WOW I wanna eat you.

To make the pastry:
1 1/4 cups of flour
1/4 tsp of salt
3/4 of a stick of butter (so yeah, loads)
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup of ice water
2 tblsp lemon juice

Filling time:
1 red onion
75g light brown muscovado sugar
big dollup of butter
2 splashes of balsamic vinegar
100g goats cheese

Add the salt to your flour and freeze for one hour. Freeze your butter for one hour too. Then cut the butter up into little bits and gradually work into the flour. It's pretty meditative, this is a good bit, take your time. Then mix up your sour cream, water and lemon juice. Make a well in the crumbly floury / butter and add half the wet mix. Work this in. As big chunks form, remove them and place to the side. Keep removing the big bitz. Then when there’s nothing left in the bowl, roll all the big bitz together in your hand, just until joined. Wrap in cling film and place in fridge for 1 hour. Work on your filling while your waiting. In a heavy based pan add the butter - slice your onion, so you have long lanky strands, add these to the butter, cook down untill soft, add the sugar and keep the heat really low, add balsamic vinegar and cook until carmalised. Roll out your sticky dough with lots of four, add to floured baking tray. Add the onions and crummble goats cheese over the top. Bake until golden - 30 mins (ish).