
Christmas Present #1: Peanut & Almond butter

Homemade christmas presents rock and with 12 days till Christmas this is what I'm making.

#1. Peanut & Almond butter (makes 500ml)

Making nut butters is easier than you think. Nuts + blender. That's pretty much it. Almonds are quite sweet so are nicely balanced by the dryness of the peanut. For any nut butters (cashew, hazelnut etc.) use a mixture of roasted & raw nuts. The raw nuts maintain more oil so good for butteriness. If it's too thick blend some more or add a little peanut oil.

200g raw almonds
200g raw peanuts
200g of flaked almonds

What to do?
Roast the raw almonds for 10 minutes (gas mark 5). Blend all nuts for 15-20minuts until you have the consistency you like. Pour butter into a sterilised jar, seal.

Pack it.
One 500ml kilner jar
Brown string
Gift label