
Guinness Gingerbread Cake w / Ginger Whisky Crumble

A Whisk in the Mix

It doesn't take much to set me on a cake making agenda... a birthday is a better reason than most. This cake tastes like Christmas in a brewery, playful boozy and syrupy with a heady lift from the stout. Easy too, just keep adding to the pot whisking in as you go - my exuberance to get it done quick broke the whisk in two - but somehow this made me think to add some whisky to the mix - crumble on top?? Yes please.

Ginness Gingerbread (Originated from Nigella Lawson)
200g dark brown muscovado sugar
160g salted butter
3tsp ground ginger
3tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
320ml Guinness
300ml golden syrup
300g plain flour
2 tsp bicarb of soda

300ml sour cream

Whisky Crumble (makes more than you need)
2 handfuls plain flour
40g caster sugar
2tsp of ground ginger
40mls of whisky (or so)
100g butter

Grease a cake tin. Pre-heat the over to gas mark 3. Place the sugar, butter, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, Guinness and syrup in a pan and heat gently. When melted, add the bicardonate of soda to the flour and gradually whisk in to the batter. When combined, whisk the eggs and the sour cream together. Whisk into the batter. Pour batter into cake tin, put in over for 45mins. Make the crumble. Combine flour, sugar, ginger. Add the whisky to and rub it into the flour with finger tips. Add the cold butter and rub into the flour mix. After 35mins sprinkle on top of the cake (really quickly, open oven door, sprinkle over cake). After about 10mins remove from oven (you can grill for a few mins to make the crumble more golden on top.

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