Sweet Summer time Soup
I thought it being summer and all I would try a butterless soup, closer to a blitz broth, one that's cooked only briefly to maintain all the goodness and can be whipped up super quick for instant sunshine lunchtime treat.
5 sprigs of tymne
2 handfuls of fresh basil
2 cloves of garlic
2 bay leafs
1 carrot
2 big potatoes
3 cups of frozen peas
salt / pepper
1 tsp tahini
1 handful of pumkins seed
2 slices of crusy bread (broken into little bits)
3 tsp of cumin
Add all the soup ingredients to a large pot, fill it with 1 kettle full of boiling water. Add salt and peper, boil for 15mins (until potatoes are soft). Remove the carrot and the bay leaves. Blitz the soup a couple of ladel fulls at a time. Return to the heat and cook for a further 10mins. Turn on the grill, add the torn bread, pumpkin seeds, cumin, some salt and pepper - drizzle lots of olive oil over and grill untill golden. Adjust seasoning to soup and serve with a handful of the your crouton mix and some fresh basil or watercress on top.