Somewhere along the way eggs got a bad rep. Cholesterol and heart disease with their yolk association had led to the eggsclusion of them from diets or rec-egg-mendations of only one or two a week. More r
ecent research suggests that you can actually eat up to
2 or 3 a day. They are nutrient dense and perfect with hollandaise sauce.
Delia's Hollandaise is my go to, it's creamy and blender friendly. Add an extra squeeze of lemon juice to make it a little sharper. (Breakfast for 1)
What do you need?
2 eggs
1 English muffin (toasted)
2 slices of proscuitto (pan fried for 2 minutes)
Hollandaise (adapted from Delia)
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp lemon juice (+extra squeeze during blending)
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
100g butter
Boil salted water. Crack eggs into 2 ramekins. Add eggs to boiling water, reduce to simmer and cover with lid, poach for 4 minutes. Lay paper towels on work surface (to drain eggs on when cooked). For sauce; blends eggs w/ salt and pepper. In a saucepan heat lemon juice and vinegar to simmer. Add to eggs. In saucepan heat butter until it foams. Turn blender on, slowly add butter in gentle trickle. Drain poached eggs and plate up.